In addition to my family and friends, I'd like to thank the following: --People having a genuine interest in reading Post . It's very nice to just tell somebody about a book and he or she is interested just because of the pitch. No DVD players, concert tickets, or vacations are necessary to bargain. --Quarterly royalty statements from the book publisher. One of the bigger reasons I went with the publisher I went with. --The breakfast taco place down my street. Amazing what happens when a place offers great food and the owners truly appreciate your business. What a novel concept. --My dog for not peeing on my bed, so far, this year. --Working a job where random strangers are not allowed in so they ask you tons of questions while you're trying to work. --A nice, long street to run and walk on. -- LOST Season 4 for being awesome. --The DVD selection at Movie Trading Company and Borders. All hail DVD prices $8-$12!